08 October 2007

#7 - the repeater!

we had this surprise party for my friend at Beulahland on 28th. a few weeks ago her husband called me up and said he's setting up this party for her birthday. what a sweetheart! basically the whole day he had planned out for her, including a spa day and this party. it was really sweet. we hung out at Beulahland for awhile then they decided to move the party back to their place. we stopped to get some beer and thai food then finally arrived at their house.

now my friend told me about "the repeater" before. her husband got it from this medical supply place and figured it would make a good beer bong. go to that link and there is a video you can watch on the pump. apparently it is used in pharmacies. anyways we used it for beer. one tube goes in the bottle, the other in your mouth, like so:

the website says it delivers fluid at 13.5 mL/second. it was fast and it hit hard. it was fun! lol

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