18 May 2008

#107 - obama rally

it's election season! primaries to be exact. i've never voted in a primary, mostly because i was an independent. this year, i decided to register democrat, cause it actually matters a lot to me and i have hope. imagine that, hope in a candidate that is different and hope for a better future for my country. barack obama has been my guy for awhile now, i don't really like to preach about politics and don't like telling people who to vote for because i wouldn't want anyone to do so to me, but it's just so exciting!

the oregon primary election officially is on tuesday. in oregon we vote by mail, so everyone got their ballots awhile ago. all you have to do is mail it in or drop it into an official box by tuesday at 8pm. i've filled mine out. it's signed and sealed, just not delivered. i'm such a procrastinator. voter registration (especially democratic) is up this year and that is such a great thing for this country. it doesn't even matter if you are a different party. although i believe that obama is the way to change this country for the better, i am excited that more people are getting interested in the future and in politics. people are sick of the same old washington. people are fed up with politics and politicians in bed with lobbyists.

today there was a rally for barack obama at the waterfront. it was a gorgeous oregon day. it was sunny and in the 80's and the place was packed. authorities estimated that over 72,000 people were there to see him. i think he was even surprised at how many people were there to support him. the first minute of him speaking was pretty much him saying "wow" and amazed at the turnout. he talked a lot of what this campaign means to him and what he envisions when he is president. he talked a lot about policies and what will change. ending the war, universal healthcare, and environmental stuff. if you really want to know more, go to his website.

i kind of got chicken skin listening to him. he is a very good speaker and i enjoyed the feeling of being excited for the future. it feels good to really care and believe. "yes we can!" he is not the usual politician that we've become used to. he is not the guy a regular American cannot relate to. he is different and will change this country, for the better.

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