22 January 2009

#166 - president obama

while i didn't really have time to watch the inauguration all day, it was quite a day. i was at the hospital for clinicals and it seemed like it was on every tv. people were excited. we have a new president! it was historical. i wanted to watch but by the time i took a break it was 9:30 and it was all said and done and they were showing bush on his way to texas (YEEEEHAW!). see ya. although it seems a lot of money was spent on this whole deal, with parades and balls and such, it was cool. i know a few people who went and it just seems like it would have been a great thing to be a part of. it was cool to see the washington mall full of people, over a million i think. it's like people actually care again. i guess i don't really have much more to say on the subject but i'm so glad to have a new president! i am full of hope. the road will be hard and long but i know we are on the way to a better country. we will work together and do what is necessary to right the wrongs and move on. together. i love it!

1 comment:

nure nezumi said...

yeah, right when i woke up and was getting ready for work he was giving his inagural speech, and i thought it was really good! inspiring. yeah i gotta say that these are exciting times, not only because of the historical nature of obama's presidency, but it really does seem like people CARE now, which is awesome. me included, i never cared a bit for politics or the presidency, but it seems like there's so much hope for change, and for very positive change, that how can you do anything BUT get caught up in it? great times...

one of my friends from grad school was there, freezing in the cold but had reserved seats so i hope she got to see a lot, when they showed the audience on tv though everyone looked completely miserable! haha, either falling asleep or trying to keep from freezing, i'm glad i was just watching it on tv.