28 April 2008

#101 - babies

last night i watched juno. i really enjoyed the dialogue, plot and music. very enjoyable movie. here is the trailer, basically its about a teenager who gets knocked up and has to make decisions on what to do with the baby. enter a couple interested in adopting and the wife vanessa, played by jennifer garner.

vanessa talks about how she feels she was born to have babies and be a mom. unfortunately for whatever reason, her and her husband have been trying for 5 years and couldn't get pregnant. her one goal in life is to be a mom. i think that's weird. i've met a lot of people who are like this actually and had a casual lunch conversation about wanting babies today. a few of my former nursing school classmates are always talking about getting done with school and immediately having kids. this is something that people plan and that's great, but it's weird to me. one reason being they are good students and will probably make great nurses, yet all they want to do is have babies and play mommy. why not just drop out of school and get busy now?

sure the idea of success by most of society is being married, having a house, car, kids, stuff and pets. but why? i think a lot of women want babies, and are obsessed over it. i've never felt this way but i'm sure at some point i will cause it probably has to do with maturity, hormones and possibly being married. it's only natural, the whole biological passing on of superior seed and what not. my parents had me when they were in their mid-twenties. i am there right now and cannot imagine having babies right now. i am a little too busy with my selfish life: fun, dodgeball and friends. i am still at the stage of my life where i can't give up everything (not even a little) that i love for a kid, even though i know it would be a wonderfully rewarding thing.

maybe i am also a little afraid. afraid that the baby will be hideous (think seinfeld) or have three eyeballs. everyone wants a perfect baby but there is so much that can go wrong. taking medical-type classes i can understand and see how many of the diseases starts off just by having bad genes, then add in environmental factors and other random things and you've got trouble. how could i handle a weird or sick baby? one that you've carried around for 9 months, having to eat right and take lots of vitamins. no partying, drinking, smoking, raw fish (not that i really eat it), wearing weird clothes, bloating, incontinence, a big belly and weird cravings. that's dedication/love.

babies and kids actually are fun and interesting. i think my fear has more to do with the child as a clean slate with nothing but genetic material and potential. i don't want to ruin their life! what kind of future they will have depends on so many things, but a lot to do with how you raise them. people do it all the time with no idea at first but get it right somehow. others, not so much. they say your kids end up being so many times worse than you. now there is a scary thought! i've always thought i'd have a couple kids, it's just one of those things...like going to college or getting a job. it's what normal people do. i don't know what it takes to raise a kid but i can certainly appreciate it. giving up everything for a kid who becomes all you need or love in life.

1 comment:

nure nezumi said...

whoa, that's an absolutely hideous baby... i totally agree with you though, like since we're at this age it seems like getting married and having babies is just the thing to do... especially working in an elementary school (particularly a lower-SES elementary school) all i see all day are families of 5-7 kids with pregnant mothers all over the place. have you seen that movie "idiocracy?" i completely thing that's where we're headed, all the poor (possibly "genetically inferior?") people have tons and tons of kids while the highly-educated, career-driven rich people put off having babies until late in age and then only have one or two, therefore, after generations and generations, there's a dearth of kids a little lower on the gene pool ladder and very few children born of doctors and scientists, etc. so, if you think you've got pretty good genes, you better go spread them and enhance the human gene pool!!! haha.