21 April 2008

#98 - see the world

i saw this video yesterday and now can't stop watching it! it's a wonderful little video and song, very uplifting. the lyrics are very simple yet what a great meaning. to me it's about self-discovery through travel. the words "see the world" kind of give it away. haha seriously though, travel changes you. experiencing new things and meeting people from other cultures really knocks you down. you think you know things, and then learn that you don't. i just love the white shoes walking through the video and the first-person experience. it really feels like i am experiencing things through the eyes of this gomez.

while everyone in the world is different and has a lot to share/give/take, we still are the same. we love to eat, drink, laugh and play. there are an endless amount of things you can see and experience in the world. endless exploring - other people, languages, food, culture, attractions, sights, sounds, and ideas. ideas like SIESTA, what an awesome idea!
You've got a chance to put things right
So how's it going to be?
Lay down your arms now
And put us beyond doubt
So reach out it's not too far away
Don't mess around now, don't delay
every experience shapes you in some way, travel certainly one way. but also, you make decisions/choices everyday. what are you waiting for? it's your life: live it, enjoy it, don't fight it and don't delay. you don't need to figure it all out now but you have to go out and give it a try at least.

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