14 January 2008

#53 - 25 things i never get tired of

i've been reading random blogs lately cause i've been bored. i came across a blog about those 25 things so here goes my list, in no particular order:
  1. music!
  2. surfing and being in the ocean - the sound, feeling, wind
  3. the sound of rain and feeling it on your face
  4. hitting snooze so that i can stay in the warm blankets a little longer
  5. wandering around central library & learning
  6. kissing the doggy
  7. trying new things
  8. laughing and not being able to stop; making others do the same
  9. smells - pikake, ocean, maile, food, rain
  10. dodgeball and friends
  11. dreaming and daydreaming
  12. long island iced teas
  13. great food, esp noodles, pizza, nicholas
  14. vegetables
  15. seeing beauty in the world (people and places), sunsets
  16. meeting new people, even if i am a bit shy
  17. interesting, funny, non-judgemental, unique and easy conversation
  18. watching football
  19. getting to know people
  20. showers with good water pressure and the feeling right after
  21. quiet and peace of freshly fallen snow
  22. traveling
  23. warm clothes straight out of the dryer
  24. fall colors and weather
  25. just to love and be loved in return

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