31 January 2008

#61 - goals

okay so i am not a vegetarian. i just like salami too much. i decided that if i want it i should eat it. life is short! so one night while i was trying to decide what to make for lunches and going over my credit card statements, i realized i was spending too much money. i was living over and above my means. i am not a very flashy person but i spend lots of money.
"we are consumers. we're the bi-products of a lifestyle obsession." -fight club
it's as simple as that. consume, consume, consume. whether it is new clothes, music, food or drink, i consume. i've decided i need to stop that so much. so i made goals. goals for february include a budget, work goals, food, exercise, books and sleep. these may seem a lot but they actually go well together.

let's just say i was relying too much on my credit card the past few months. i've put together a simple budget where the main things:
  • $200 - groceries (it may seem like a lot but i love to cook and eat so this is essential)
  • $100 - going out (for drinks and food! this will be hard)
  • $50 - misc stuff (if i can't afford it this month i'll have to save and wait)
  • $100 - central america (been saving that much a month for my trip!
  • $400 - rent and bills (why?!)
so a total of $850 in expenses. i could live on less easily but i love to eat and go out so i think this is justified. i won't mention what i spent on groceries and going out this past month...

i want to work a lot this month so that i can afford to save and eat well. i'm trying to work 4 shifts a week, which comes out to about 16 for the month. i worked exactly 16 this month. hopefully i can squeeze some extra shifts into this short month.

i've included a list of foods to eat every day: oatmeal, flax, 2 L water, salad, 2 other veggies, 2 proteins, 2 fruits, 1 yogurt, OJ, another whole grain, and seaweed. although it might get quite monotonous, it is healthy and can be interesting if i plan ahead. so basically i'll just check these off everyday.

  • dodgeball - games on thursday and pickup on friday/tuesday
  • cardio - 30 minutes of interval training every other day
  • weights - lift every other day and include plyometrics every week
  • rock climb - 30 minutes a week on tread wall
i love working out so this shouldn't be a problem.

to read 4 books this month, that's one a week. in order to reach my goal of 50 this year, i gotta do it! i created a little blog for this one called brandizzle reads. the reading is going slow right now, only read 3 this month so i'm gonna kick it up a notch for february.

i've realized i'm highly sleep deprived by my procrastination and general insomniac lifestyle. i've been sleeping past midnight and waking at 5 am everyday and that is not good. so my new goals are 6 hours on work days and 8 hours on non-workdays. it will be good for me. plus i'll spend less time online.

almost forgot about this one. i started this project called brandizzle 365 where i will be taking and posting a photo everyday for a year. seems like a lofty goal. so far i have already failed because i was too tired to post at the end of the day. i think that's forgivable. i still took a ton of pictures that day. photography is my one form of art that i enjoy and so i am not only trying to get better at it, i am doing it consistently!

so those are my goals. i will look back at the end of february and see if i am successful. i made a chart so i can monitor my progress and will be dedicated to this. it takes 21 days to make/break a habit so if i can do it this month then i can for an extended period of time following. goals are good and i think these are SMART goals.


Joseph said...

dodgeball pick-up games???

I want to get in on some of that...

I don't like hawaii. haha.

nure nezumi said...

for real food is expensive!! geez, grocery shopping is killing me, i only buy stuff that's on sale and still every trip my cart's filled with at least $50 of stuff. i'm starting to think that eating out may in fact be cheaper...

anyway, good for you for your goals. i personally like your photography goal. i wish that i had gotten into photography earlier, like when i was in school and could take classes and stuff. well, i guess i could still take classes, but i haven't found a good one. the only ones i see are for learning how to use a digital camera, like for seniors. well, i can be amateur still, i don't know if i could manage a picture a day, but i've been taking my camera with me whenever i go surfing, i gotta get one of those underwater casings...