01 March 2008

#76 - tampopo

just watched this last night. i don't know how i missed seeing it before. it is a "ramen western" (vs spaghetti western!) and is quite hilarious. obviously, it's from japan and was made in 1985. it's all about food and people's relationships to food. it's mainly about this lady with a ramen shop and finding the perfect ramen. but there are also other little scenes which are just hilarious such as this one:

i am all about food. this film was great and really made me hungry! there was a scene in which all these ladies are trying to learn to properly eat noodles (without slurping) then this gaijin guy in the restaurant is slurping away! it looks so good that no one can eat their noodles without slurping, which is actually customary in japan.

these are just a couple scenes from a hilarious movie about FOOD. why wait? go watch it now!

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