21 March 2008

#84 - food porn

i'll admit it, i like porn...haha, food porn. when i am bored i tend to look at, and think of, food. pictures of food and recipes make me excited. you know who you are, you do it too! if you don't know what i'm talking about, check out tastespotting. you'll see.

i can't help but descend into a state of bliss when looking at these sumptuous pics. they just make all the dishes look great. i know how and i will be experimenting into food pics soon, when i can come up with a few supplies and time. for now though, i enjoy my voyeurism. it could be something as simple as an iced granita or steaming hot bowl of pho. sometimes all it takes is one half of an avocado and my salivary glands become very active. i am one of pavlov's dogs for sure!

subject, color and light. three simple things make the humblest of foods look orgasmic (erika's favorite word). that really is the secret. someday i'll be posting picture of food i make and hopefully people will be drooling all over their keyboards. i just can't stop thinking about food. the problem at this very moment is that my internet is not working. so i'm typing this out on notepad, waiting till the light on the modem starts flashing again. other than the fact that it's annoying not to have internet, i'm suffering. i need my food porn!! i've got all these food blogs on my google reader (love google!), most with photos. i've been cooking for awhile now and love to. i can just taste food when reading recipes. when i can't taste it, i want to try it so i will. food is definitely one of my favorite things.

the only problem (not a big one) with this is that i am constantly hungry. which means either i am suffering or will go and find food and eat it. that's it, here i go...first off to new seasons to buy groceries cause there's not much you could do with yogurt and frozen veggies. i CAN taste that and it sounds disgusting.

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