06 February 2008

#65 - tarako

my friend first got me to watch this. it was very strangely addicting. here is the original, a commercial originally aired in japan a couple years ago. it's for a pasta sauce with tarako (fish eggs). i think that sounds disgusting but apparently they are popular, and so is this song. maybe not so much anymore but there is a whole music video, then other commercials.

some of these are very creepy and you may get nightmares when wanting to eat spaghetti. these little dolls are really weird. there is another vid that i didn't post with a seriously more scary scene.

they are making money on this song. here are the crazy lyrics. so weird.

たったら たったら たらたら たらこ [tattara tattara taratara tarako]
おなかが鳴ると やって来る [when your stomach growls, it (tarako) comes]
なかまを連れて やって来る [it comes bringing its friends]
たらこ かぶって 顔出して [It wears tarako hood and sticks its face out]
スイッチョ スイッチョ 出かけます [suiccyo steps out for the day]
ふと気づけば 窓の外 [suddenly you notice, it’s just outside your window]
ふと気づくと 家の中 [suddenly you notice, it’s in your house]
たらこ たらこ たっぷり たらこ [tarako tarako plenty of tarako]
たらこ たらこ たっぷり [tarako tarako plenty of tarako]
たらこが やって来る [tarako is coming]
たらこ たらこ つぶつぶ たらこ [tarako tarako lumpy-lumpy tarako]
たらこ たらこ つぶつぶ [tarako tarako lumpy-lumpy]
たらこが やって来る [tarako is coming!]
たらこ たっぷり たっぷり たらこ [tarako tarako plenty of tarako]
たらこ たっぷり たっぷり たらこ [tarako tarako plenty of tarako]
パスタゆでると やって来る [when you boil pasta, it (tarako) comes]
きれいに並んで やって来る [it comes all neatly lined up]
いつも ニコニコ 素敵な笑顔 [always grinning with a nice smile]
チャカボコ チャカラカ チャーミング [cyakaboko cyakaboka charming]
ふと気づけば 肩の上 [suddenly you notice, it’s (tarako is) on your shoulder]
ふと気づくと 皿の中 suddenly you notice, it’s in your plate]
たらこ たらこ たっぷり たらこ [tarako tarako plenty of tarako]
たらこ たらこ たっぷり [tarako tarako plenty of tarako]
たらこが やって来る [tarako is coming!]
たらこ たらこ つぶつぶ たらこ [tarako tarako lumpy-lumpy tarako]
たらこ たらこ つぶつぶ [tarako tarako lumpy-lumpy]
たらこが やって来る [tarako is coming!]
たらこ たっぷり たっぷり たらこ [tarako tarako plenty of tarako]
たらこ たっぷり たっぷり たらこ [tarako tarako plenty of tarako]

if i liked tarako i'd be all over this. i wonder if they sell it at uwajimaya...

this next one is kind of creepy. there is a creepier one in black and white...

some girls doing the tarako dance to a more hip hop style song.

leave it up to the japanese to come up with something ingenious like this for marketing! i can't really say i'd eat the tarako sauce but i'd think about it. mostly cause you can't get the stupid song out of your head!

1 comment:

nure nezumi said...


that must be what hell is like. i feel like i'm being hypnotized by a demonic japanese child zombie who talks with a britsh accent. actually, this song would be great for that movie "one missed call," that one with the dolls on that merry-go-round, that's an evil ringtone.

the saddest thing is probably next year on the red & white songfest they'll ALL be singing it with GIANT CREEPY DOLLS ALL OVER THE STAGE!!!