12 February 2008

#67 - enka

i've been on a big enka kick lately. i got this podcast on itunes for free, there are 3 podcasts of 45 minutes each. it's basically just a bunch of enka songs, lots of good stuff, including this gem:

misora hibari singing "kawa no nagare no you ni"
i've got to say this is one of my favorite songs and no matter what language you can feel it. it's basically a song about life. this is misora hibari's signature song because she died right after it was released and everyone remembers her for it. it was voted in 1997 the best Japanese song of all time. i totally agree.

although enka will definitely not be for all to enjoy, i really love it. i guess it could be compared to country or blues. the songs are usually pretty sad, about loss, love, loneliness and just life. even in japan, enka is not really popular with the younger crowd. most enka singers dress in formal japanese wear, kimonos and such so it's a pretty old-fashioned thing. maybe i have old taste since i hang out with old people all the time. they play a lot of enka at japanese restaurants, it's very japanese-y. it's also very emotional. maybe it's japanese emo. jemo? hmm....

1 comment:

nure nezumi said...

damn yeah i love enka! i remember this exact song too. plus a couple years ago on the red & white songfest that fat lady with the eyes with no pupils sang this song and like everyone in the audience was crying.

my sister practices japanese dance everyday and so i've learned a lot more enka songs from listening to her practice. she really likes that young guy, hikawa kiyoshi or something, but i think he's kinda weird-looking (like most japanese guys actually from japan, haha). but more recently i've found that i like okinawan enka a lot too. i don't know any songs or whatever, but i love it with all the shamisen and everything. you should check out this girl... natsukawa rimi... she does more contemporary, but her voice is enka, but like really clear enka, it's cool. go youtube her song with jake shimabukuro "hana." it's cool.