27 February 2008

#74 - choices

earlier this month, my ipod died. thankfully, i recovered it somewhat and can still hook it up to my computer and listen to it. and i was smart enough to get an ipod shuffle awhile back to take to the gym. so i can still carry 250 songs around with me anywhere i go. it's kind of a pain cause i've had those songs for almost two weeks now and i want to listen to other stuff but can't. boo hoo. so i've got choices to make.

choice #1 - ipod classic.
it comes in black or white, starts at $249 and is available in 80GB and 160GB ($349). i had a 60GB previously and that treated me well. it didn't have the video and super bright screen but i loved it. classic would always be a good choice to make. the 160GB holds 40,000 songs. i don't have nearly that much but it would be nice. of course i have about 45GB in songs right now, don't have any videos yet. so that could easily take up a lot of space. the only thing is, would i watch a lot of videos necessitating an extra 80GB or would 80GB be sufficient for my mainly music-listening use?

choice #2 - ipod touch.
my parents just got one. it's so cool, sleek and ultra-neat. why would you NOT want to touch it? it's got so many cool applications and is the future. it IS a little spendier and without as much memory. starts at $299 for 8GB, there is a 16GB version ($399) and they also just came out with a 32GB ($499). so tempting. if you don't really know what the touch is, go check out the website. it is like the iphone without the phone. you've got wifi capability, safari, mail, youtube, weather, maps, notes, and of course the music!

it's a good thing i gave up shopping for lent. i have till easter to figure this out. it's gonna be a hard choice but i need to make the right one. i figure my next ipod will probably last about as long, about 4 years. so in the next 4 years what do i need from my ipod? i definitely want it to last longer but they don't make them to really last. plus, once i buy something they will come out with something better and cooler. technology becomes obsolete pretty quickly. so i guess i have a month. recommendations?


Anonymous said...

Yea. Big purchases should be given big thoughts.
that doesn't really make sense, "big thoughts."

I have an iPod touch.
I'm thinking now, maybe I should've just gotten a classic because for the same price, i can put my entire iTunes library on the iPod.

But I like the touch, only because it's the newer thing. yes, i'm that superficial when it comes to lil gadgets.

It depends what you want. If you want to hold lots and lots of stuff, 8 gig might not be the way to go...

nure nezumi said...

so although i do not and have never owned an ipod (or any apple product for that matter, not because i'm anti, i just never had the need for it) i'm gonna offer my advice... and that is to go big. especially with technology. the reason being that advancements are gonna run at you so fast that if you go cheap and wait for bigger and better things, you're either gonna be constantly buying more things or you'll keep waiting and waiting until "the big one" comes up.

so, get the coolest things, the biggest storage space, etc. splurge on it and be happy that you did, and even though you could probably live with something smaller, remember that those smaller things are still hundreds of dollars, so might as well go big and be very happy than save a little and be content, but limited.

that being said... i still haven't bought one.

Kat said...

Well how much of that 40 GB is music that you really want on there? I think I would get the classic only because it has so much more storage and I like having all that music with me at all times. I still like the touch because it's all fancy shmancy but will probably wait until there's more memory available. Plus I just got my current ipod last year when my first one died so it's still early for me to buy a new one.